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Top 5 book recommendations on Habits
Reference material and further reading on habits.
Why are visionary leadership sessions held only with the senior leadership team?
International Stress Awareness Day 2021
Creating a supportive culture
International Stress Awareness Week 2021
International Stress Awareness Week 2021, 1-5 November
We have seen businesses transformed by a combination of coaching, people engagement and cultural enhancement.
How to embed a cultural transformation programme
What does it really take to embed change? To transform culture and get your people to go along with the changes needed?
People engagement
Attitude: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
Focus on attitude from the iceberg model. Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference.
Iceberg and the Olympic Games 2020
The importance of workplace health and safety training: IOSH
With rising statistics about workplace accidents, more and more people are being encouraged to enter the world of health and safety careers. There are various routes into it, but to be effective, you need recognised training and qualifications. After all, this is law-bound and you or your superiors can be held responsible for accidents or deaths and be punishable by large fines or prison terms.
Organisational Coaching in the Workplace
The +people Organisational Coaching programme is aimed at developing leaders and managers in organisation coaching skills that support them in identifying and capitalising on the links between a coaching style of engagement, safety performance, and overall business improvement.
WTSR Authorising Engineer Module
This course is designed to be an add on module to complement the Core WTSR Training Course with additional information on the roles and responsibilities of the Authorising Engineer. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to pass the RUK Core WTSR Training Course before attending this module.