Attitude: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

Article by Kat Lourenco

Attitude: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

Last week, to illustrate Behaviour, the post was about the Tokyo Olympics participants. Today, from the Iceberg, the focus is on Attitude.

Attitude meaning: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

Attitude is one of the many layers below the surface of the iceberg. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

There are literally hundreds of books, podcasts, TED talks and a plethora of great speakers that focus on improving attitude, changing attitude and analysing attitude. This post isn't about any of those, you will be happy to know.

This post is about working with one of our clients based in Africa. The programme ran from May to the end of last month. What was utterly wonderful about the programme, was the attitude of the 161 participants. Over a 14 day period we took 161 people through some training about behaviour and the choices we make that influence our safety. And we also briefly covered supervising and coaching safer teams, with the same 161 participants.

What was significant was the attitude that they could and wanted to make a difference. When it came to delivering more focused coaching for their nominated 20 coaches, the positive way they embraced the training was so encouraging. They were so excited to learn new skills, to have meaningful training and to be given the opportunity to improve how they interact with those around them.

From the feedback we received, they were grateful for the training - yes grateful for safety training that was different to anything they had before. They told us it helped make them feel empowered and their new skills would help them to make a difference in the workplace - and even at home or in their community.

Their enthusiasm and positive attitude was contagious. They embraced the tasks, and the very next day were out in the workplace testing out their new skills. Over the weeks, we then helped improve confidence; give them tools and techniques to enhance their skills and also getting them to film themselves, so they could reflect on how they see themselves and recognise what they think can be improved. Self-reflection is such a powerful tool.

It's fantastic when there's a positive group of people in leadership, who have an attitude of wanting to make a difference. It also helps when learning something new - a positive attitude creates an openness and willingness to learn.

We can all recall working with, living with or playing sport with someone that doesn't have a good attitude. We know what that can do within a team environment. But collectively when there's predominantly a good attitude, it can really influence the behaviour and support of others.

What is one key book, influencer, speaker that has positively influenced your attitude?

Article by Kat Lourenco


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