Why are visionary leadership sessions held only with the senior leadership team?

Article by Kat Lourenco

Why are visionary leadership sessions held only with the senior leadership team?

Why are visionary leadership sessions held only with the senior leadership team?

If you want to create change, develop new products or help the business grow, why is it that only leadership is involved? Surely, if you want to create more market share, diversify your product range or improve culture - why not get more varied people involved to help make the decisions, develop the plans and come up with some new 'vision'?

Often with so many leadership teams, style, values, direction, focus, behaviour, mindset, are so ingrained, that they can't visualise something different. What if businesses chose to open up that golden circle and get more people involved?

Successful businesses get a more diverse range of people in an organisation to help them with looking at visionary leadership. What is visionary leadership if you're only navel gazing?

There are definitely very successful leadership teams that can do visionary leadership sessions really well to develop strategies that drive businesses forward.

Tell me about business vision sessions you've been involved in, that wasn't just leadership? What made them successful? What did you learn?

There is a fascinating discussion about conditioning - when you've been in the business for a length of time, and you can no longer see the obvious, the issues or the barriers.

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

Article by Kat Lourenco


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